
Lost 50lbs

” I Started with Michelle about 18 months ago going to her classes and following her meal plans as I had a holiday coming up… I didn’t have much hope to be honest as id tried the gym and every other diet you can think of… But as soon as I started I fed off Michelle’s motivation and determination.

Michelle inspired me to start strong and keep going. Not only did the weight start to come off but I actually felt better, I’d heard that the foods you eat affect your energy levels but i didn’t really believe it, not until I experienced it for myself. I started to get up in the mornings a lot easier too and felt great, energy wise and also how I was looking.

I went on holiday and had meals that were off plan but I still managed to go 3 weeks in Florida and lose two pounds while away, I found myself just making better choices for the food I was choosing, and not because I was following the plan but because it was the foods i actually wanted, it’s been a lifestyle change, but one I’m happy to do as I enjoy it more and I also feel and look better for it. I actually prefer the healthier foods now, if I have white bread, white rice, potatoes or even worse takeaways; I actually feel terrible within myself, as well as feeling lethargic, bloated and sick.

There has been times when I’ve fell off my track, I’m human, but I’ve never really put much weight back on, however I have felt awful for it, my energy levels sink, my skin suffers and then there’s the weight. Once you fall off it is sometimes hard to get back on track but Michelle is always there to help you, she knows we’re all human and we will fall at some hurdles at some points and she doesn’t judge she just helps you find your willpower again and reminds you of the benefits.

There has been times I’ve got back on it purely for the way I’ve felt as I can’t function properly on a daily basis when I’m off track as my energy levels are so low and it’s so easy to find yourself being lazy and everything suffers.

I’m now currently at a total of 50lbs lost and I feel fantastic!! I still have a bit to go but the changes I’ve made will stay with me forever as I prefer this lifestyle now… I will never go back to what I was and I have Michelle to thank for that, for helping me change my life for the better.”

From Julie